Monday, March 15, 2010

Beatrice's Goat- Page McBrier

This story is about a young girl living in a West African village who only hopes to attend school, even though she knows that probably won't happen due to her family's lack of money. As she works to help support her family, one day she receives a young goat as a gift, and from that day on, the goat was a helpful way for Beatrice and her family to make money. As she continues to bring home money made from selling the goat's milk, she has enough money to help buy her siblings some new clothes, however, her mother wants her to go to school. Because of the generosity of someone she did not even know, Beatrice was able to make enough money in order to attend school.

This book would be a beneficial text to use in talking with students about other cultures and the ways that we as the United States might differ from people all over the world. This type of story would be very useful in talking with students about being the change in the world; encouraging both students and teachers to be more intentional in how they give.


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