Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hooway for Wodney Wat- Helen Lester

Having been introduced to this story at the beginning of last semester, I had to reread the story of Wodney Wat. This short story about a rat named Rodney who has trouble pronouncing his r's, encounters the real life of bullying and being different because of the way that he talks. After a new bigger bully moves into town, Rodney soon realizes that he isn't the only one who is bullied. Although his speech was something that he was constantly picked on for, his impediment actually leads Rodney to save the class from the biggest bully yet, Camilla Capybara. As he mispronounces the word rest, and in actuality says, "go west," the class is saved from Camilla. Rodney is a hero!

This story will be used in my classroom not only because I think speech impediments are endearing, but also because of the subtle ways that Helen Lester uses this story to portray differences and the need for acceptance. I can assure that this book will be used to teach children the importance of loving others for who they are, and embracing differences because that it is what makes us all unique!


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