Friday, March 19, 2010

Thank You, Mr. Falker- Patricia Polacco

This story by Patrica Polacco is one that I heard about last semester. After reading this book once, I knew it was worth another look. The book tells the story about the author herself as a young girl who wasn't able to read and write well in school. After years of fooling teachers and acting as if she knew what she was doing, a gentle spirited Mr. Falker sees through her inabilities. This teacher not only encourages her where she is but continues to show her that she can and will succeed.

This story is one, that in my opinion, should be in every classroom. The continued support of Mr. Falker and the perseverance he demonstrated in helping Tricia, is the kind of help students long for. Not only does this book teach educators how to perform but this story also provides students with the drive to move forward in all that they do. Of course there is still the sense of bullying within the story that can also be used to teach those lessons that are often taught often in the elementary setting on being encouraging and not negative towards others.


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