Monday, January 25, 2010

Music and Dance- Neil Morris

In this non-fiction book by Neil Morris, the realities of world wide dances and musical instruments are discussed in brief detail. The author connects cultural traditions within music and dance from across the globe with the common musical instruments and dances that many know well. Much of this short book encompasses a great amount of information that can be traced back to historical occurrences and/or traditions related to different regions. This book would be beneficial within the classroom because of the diversity that is introduced all throughout the pages. There are also great pieces of accurate information that can be used for homework assignments, classroom discussion or projects throughout the school. year. In different grade levels, particularly fourth and fifth grade, students are focusing more on musicality and thus this book may be helpful in "bringing to life" the melting pot of world wide music and dance.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Falling Down the Page- Georgia Heard

This recently discovered book composed of various poetic styles was quite intriguing to me, a poetry lover at heart. Throughout the brief entires, authors use the simple, everyday aspects of life to create exceptional pieces of literature for readers of all ages. I found myself captivated by certain styles draped across the pages as I continued to read from page to page. Although this collection is unlike other literary books, in that there is no storyline, the collaboration of stories, ideas, emotions and aspirations that are expressed within these peoms, provide everyone who reads with an enjoyable experience, all their own.
